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Мужчина, 43 года, родился 6 июня 1981

Не ищет работу

Новороссийск, готов к переезду (Аргентина, Бразилия, Великобритания, Исландия, Испания, Италия, Канада, Норвегия, ОАЭ, США, Сингапур, Турция, Швейцария), готов к командировкам

HSE Manager,Senior HSE Supervisor,HSE Superintendent,HSE Advisor,HSE Engineer,Marine Specialist

4 500 $ на руки

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 19 лет 3 месяца

Май 2021по настоящее время
3 года 11 месяцев
Project: ARCTIC LNG2 (GBS/TOPSIDE) The ARCTIC LNG 2 Project envisage the Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Installation, Integration, Pre- commissioning and commissioning of three LNG trains, each with a capacity of 6 5 6 6 MTPA of LNG Total LNG storage volume is 687 000 m 3 229 000 m 3 per GBS), and approximately 1 4 MTPA of stabilized marketable condensate with 75 000 m 3 of condensate storage per GBS POSITION: HSE SUPERINTENDENT GBS/TOPSIDES Direct subordination: 8 Ensuring the implementation of Company HSE Procedures; • Updating the site work Procedures/Instructions accordingly; • Managing in planning, executing and reviewing HSE activities ; • Managing HSE Supervisors; • Leading Incident Investigation & Reporting process; • Assisting in the development of company HSE policy and reporting procedures; • Conducting a review of the existing safe systems of work; • Participating in Governmental Audits/Inspections visits • Adapting safe systems of work to project specific needs; • Providing guidance on HSE procedure and Government compliance; • Development of project specific HSEQ documents; • Developing of risk assessments; • Conducting contractor compliance audits; • Monitoring and upgrading of safety equipment.  Providing guidance and direction to the safety and training team, ensuring compliance to legislation and that indicators are developed, and strategies implemented to manage and monitor safety and training performance.  Prepare periodical safety reports in a timely and accurate manner  Ensure that employees, management, contractor, and visitors are aware of their obligations, policies and procedures relating to safety and training.  Provide direction to the Emergency Response Team on emergency response process  Ensure all relevant reports, documentation and plans are developed, approved and submitted to meet the obligations under the relevant legislation and government policies  Ensure workplace incidents and injuries are fully investigated and that recommendations for change to prevent recurrence and to minimize costs related to workplace injury and workers’ compensation claims.  Develop, maintain, implement and review safety and training policies, procedures and risk management plans  Ensure that preventative safety plans are designed to control hazards identified through workplace safety audits and other initiatives. Since the rotational method of work without a shift replaces the Integration HSE Manager during absence
Январь 2020Май 2021
1 год 5 месяцев
Linde engineering

Благовещенск (Амурская область)

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Site HSE Manager
Project: PJSC Sibur Holding has let a contract to Linde PLC to provide technology for the cracker at its long-planned Amur gas chemical complex, an integrated 1.5 million-tones/year polyethylene and polypropylene production complex to be built in Russia. Effective communication of the HSE plan and its requirements to Company’s personnel and its subcon-tractor’s personnel. Supervision of the plan implementation in accordance with corporate policy and local regulations. Check the proper use of personal PPE by company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s per-sonnel. Provision of HSE planning and strategy. Provision of the overall coordination effort among all the parties working on the site. Establishment and maintenance of induction training. Provision of remedial training and task specific training as required. Technical assistance and coordination to the various func-tional departments as it relates to HSE. Review and verifying critical aspects of HSE by conducting stud-ies, audits and by maintaining routine statistics to support improvements. Creating reports, correspond-ence and maintenance of HSE documentation. Follow-up on completion of audit results, non- compliances and action items. Implementation of the inspection processes for equipment prior to entrance on site. Sup-port in defining task specific safety measures and personal protective equipment. Implement the Permit to work system by properly inspecting work areas. Ensuring that adequate control measures are in place for safe performance of the work. Take an active role in the planning of work at height, lifting activities, works in confined spaces and other works, especially relating to implementation of protective measures and safe access during such activities. Taking of safety measures during works implementation. Partici-pate in investigation of incidents and injuries and coordinate with local health providers and emergency services. Take measures in case of emergency, ensure safe evacuation of Company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s personnel. Preparation of project specific training materials.
Июль 2019Ноябрь 2019
5 месяцев

Россия, www.gazprom-neft.ru

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Offshore/Onshore HSE Representative
Project: Exploration well - 2 Ayashskoe, oil field Neptune,Offshore Design Depth:2150 Drilling Platform: NAN HAI SHI HAO (110 people on board) Offshore/Onshore HSE Company Representative On daily basis control & supervision for all job activities on the platform regarding HSE Issues. Monitoring for the environment around the platform. Check the sub-contractor personnel regarding waste management plan & waste segregation. Control for the sub-contractor HSE regarding proper supervision. Daily/Weekly/Monthly HSE reports to the office. Drag & Alcohol test all personnel on the platform. Control that all job activities performing safely. Control for loading / unloading operation. PTW control. Daily communication with Company man on platform.
Ноябрь 2018Июнь 2019
8 месяцев
Linde Gas Rus/ ОАО Линде Газ Рус

Россия, www.linde-gas.ru

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Site HSE Manager
Project: SIBUR (Tobolsk) ZapSibNeftekhim project is designed to operate a steam cracker (by Linde AG, Germany) with a capacity of 1.5 mtpa of ethylene, around 500 ktpa of propylene and 100 ktpa of butane-butylene frac-tion (BBF), along with units with a total capacity to produce 1.5 mtpa of various grades of polyeth-ylene (by INEOS, UK) and a polypropylene unit of 500 ktpa (by LyondellBasell, Netherlands) Contractors /subcontractors: 30000 workers Position: Senior HSE Supervisor Effective communication of the HSE plan and its requirements to Company’s personnel and its subcon-tractor’s personnel. Supervision of the plan implementation in accordance with corporate policy and local regulations. Check the proper use of personal PPE by company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s per-sonnel. Provision of HSE planning and strategy. Provision of the overall coordination effort among all the parties working on the site. Establishment and maintenance of induction training. Provision of remedial training and task specific training as required. Technical assistance and coordination to the various func-tional departments as it relates to HSE. Review and verifying critical aspects of HSE by conducting stud-ies, audits and by maintaining routine statistics to support improvements. Creating reports, correspond-ence and maintenance of HSE documentation. Follow-up on completion of audit results, non- compliances and action items. Implementation of the inspection processes for equipment prior to entrance on site. Sup-port in defining task specific safety measures and personal protective equipment. Implement the Permit to work system by properly inspecting work areas. Ensuring that adequate control measures are in place for safe performance of the work. Take an active role in the planning of work at height, lifting activities, works in confined spaces and other works, especially relating to implementation of protective measures and safe access during such activities. Taking of safety measures during works implementation. Partici-pate in investigation of incidents and injuries and coordinate with local health providers and emergency services. Take measures in case of emergency, ensure safe evacuation of Company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s personnel. Preparation of project specific training materials.
Июнь 2018Ноябрь 2018
6 месяцев
Linde Engineering


Senior HSE Supervisor
Project: Gasprom Construction LNG plant which provides transportation of gas to consumers of the North-West of Russia and to the export gas pipeline Nord Stream. Gazprom is building a complex for production and shipment of LNG with a capacity of up 2 million tons. The complex will be designed for recep-tion and handling of vessels with a capacity of up to 170000 c.m. The terminal will include water ar-ea and water approaches, anchorage of ships, LNG loading berth, berth for large-sized heavy cargo. Position: Senior HSE Supervisor Contractors /subcontractors: 2000 workers Responsibility: Effective communication of the HSE plan and its requirements to Company’s personnel and its subcon-tractor’s personnel. Supervision of the plan implementation in accordance with corporate policy and local regulations. Check the proper use of personal PPE by company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s per-sonnel. Provision of HSE planning and strategy. Provision of the overall coordination effort among all the parties working on the site. Establishment and maintenance of induction training. Provision of remedial training and task specific training as required. Technical assistance and coordination to the various func-tional departments as it relates to HSE. Review and verifying critical aspects of HSE by conducting stud-ies, audits and by maintaining routine statistics to support improvements. Creating reports, correspond-ence and maintenance of HSE documentation. Follow-up on completion of audit results, non- compliances and action items. Implementation of the inspection processes for equipment prior to entrance on site. Sup-port in defining task specific safety measures and personal protective equipment. Implement the Permit to work system by properly inspecting work areas. Ensuring that adequate control measures are in place for safe performance of the work. Take an active role in the planning of work at height, lifting activities, works in confined spaces and other works, especially relating to implementation of protective measures and safe access during such activities. Taking of safety measures during works implementation. Partici-pate in investigation of incidents and injuries and coordinate with local health providers and emergency services. Take measures in case of emergency, ensure safe evacuation of Company’s personnel and its subcontractor’s personnel. Preparation of project specific training materials.
Август 2016Июнь 2018
1 год 11 месяцев
Statoil (Domanik oil) & Rosneft Drilling operations. Drilling 3 oil wells project.

Самара, Statoil.com

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Senior HSE Supervisor
HSE on site Supervision, ensuring implementation of the field execution plan, including communicating the plan to contractors and JV personnel, monitoring compliance with procedures and legal requirements, and monitoring performance against objectives. Involvement in updating the plan when required. Provid-ing training, coaching, advice and support to contractors and Domanik JV personnel on Safety and Envi-ronmental issues and their management. Participate in emergency response activities at the Work places. Provision of Emergency response training to the drilling staff for potential emergencies during the opera-tions as part of Emergency preparedness activities. Daily inspection of work places, accommodation facili-ties at camps in order to check their compliance with procedures and policies standards. Performing regu-lar inspections and supervision of high risk activities including the identification of non-conformances against Safety and Environmental Standards /legal requirements. Monitoring waste management activi-ties, including supervising preventative maintenance of waste water treatment units and incinerators, en-suring that equipment is kept in good condition and procedures are followed. Management of Safety and environment data, performing analysis and identifying trends to help the project contractor and JV teams continually improve safety and environmental performance.
Март 2015Август 2016
1 год 6 месяцев
TOTAL E&P RUSSIA, Gas project Termokastovoe gas field.Project,Construction,Commissioning,Operation phase.On construction phase around 3000 workers on site.

Ямало-Ненецкий АО, Total.com//

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HSE Representative
Implementing Standarts and Total Rules in Russian Company. Represent the Company’s HSE interests with client personnel. Review and adjustment of the existing management plan for the commission period. Participation in the development of the JMP Plan (Journey Management Plan). Introduction of world experience in POB control in case of emergency. Development safety induction training. Development and introduction Safety training modules on different discipline HSE. Preparing and conduction full-scale exercises in case of emergency situation, drawing up scenarios and assisting in the preparation of the fire brigade and response staff. Moni-tors activities to promote safe operations. Assist management in fulfillment of required HSE man-dates. Work HSE management to define HSE goals, priorities and Key Performance Indicators. Facili-tate and/or conduct safety meetings. Assist in preparation and review of Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and permits and review hazards and precautions with staff. Support incident notification, investigation and reporting process to include root cause analysis. Participate in audits and inspections. Work with Division HSE Manager to develop training plans in accord with the Training Matrix as well as regula-tory and client requirements. Support emergency response readiness training and drills.
Июль 2014Март 2015
9 месяцев
TOTAL E&P RUSSIA, Kharyaga oil field - Construction,operation phase.

Ханты-Мансийск, total.com

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HSE supervision of Production,Construction,We'll services and SIMOPS operations and other related activities on Kharyaga field to ensure a proper implementation of the TEPR HSE MS, standards and Russian regulations Activities: To supervise all HSE aspects for production,construction,Well services and SIMOPS operations and other related activities in his defined area at the level established by line manager. To assist RSES (D) in all HSE topics related on all activities related to his working area responsibility To participate as Fire & Rescue, oil spill response Team Member,squad leader during emergencies exercises or real emergencies according to PAD Emergency organization To promote HSE on site to contractors To perform, in regular basis, Safety & Health inspections as part of the TEPR HSE policy To perform weekly and monthly inspections and audits of equipments (Scaffolding,gas cylinders) To supervise the proper disposal of hazardous/domestics wastes
Январь 2014Июнь 2014
6 месяцев


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Operational Safety Engineer, Kharyaga,Termokastovoe projects.
HSE trainings: • Ensure that HSE training Company rules are correctly applied within the affiliate; • Update HSE training standard; • Organize in the offices and on-site, HSE trainings requested by operational departments; • In the long run, find a solution that can allow the proper following of HSE training performance and compliance of the Affiliate personnel; Affiliate emergency preparedness: • Update the Emergency Response plan of the affiliate and maintain the Emergency organization according to Company Rules; • Ensure the readiness of the members of the Emergency Response Center; • Perform weekly tour at the Crisis Room to ensure it is always operational; • Conduct the upgrades of the means available in the crisis room; • Manage the Duty Officer system of the affiliate (Duty officer training, manual and roster); • Manage the Fire Evacuation organization in the office. (Organization, Training and Exercises); Support toward Operations: • Perform the SIMOPS dossier HSE review; • Coordinate the contractor HSE management (HSE evaluation of bidders, contractors’ audits ); • Propose and carry out improvement in the field of Safety in Operations (propose innovative solutions, improvements of systems…); • Be available to go on site as an extra HSE resource when needed; HSE authority to the RSES of Moscow site: • Assist the RSES to assess and manage the risks for Moscow site; • In the Offices: HSE supervision of works, ensure Fire and Electrical Safety are applied; • In the apartments: Perform regular inspections, ensure the apartments meet with the safety requirements (Fire, electricity…); Culture Safety project: • Coordinate for the safety culture project in the affiliate (link with Paris HQ); • Ensure the questionnaire sessions are conducted as per requirements and forward the filled-in questionnaire to Paris; • Lead the organization of the focus Groups to clarify the questionnaire results and the steering committee; • Participate in the creation, presentation and implementation of the action plan of the project; Air transport safety: • Be the affiliate custodian and coordinator for air transport safety; • Ensure that the Group Security Directive related to Air transportation is correctly applied within the affiliate; • Be in charge of the safety evaluation of air transportation companies and evaluation of charter flights; • Organize Audits if needed; • Favor the use of safer companies and safer flights; Others: • Participate in developing an HSE communication within the affiliate (World Safety Day, HSE information, Safety feedback notice…); • Support general HSE action plan realization.
Февраль 2012Декабрь 2013
1 год 11 месяцев
Chevron,Extension project of construction and installation of 5 km offshore pipeline with single mooring and PLEM.Also construction 6 x 100000 m3 new oil reservoirs and pipelines on onshore.


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Operations (Offshore/Onshore) Representative
Involved in the Construction and installation of 5km, 42” offshore pipeline with Single Point Mooring and PLEM, installation 6 of suction anchors, underwater hoses and floating hoses under the scope of the offshore delivery manager. Supervises the work of the contractor of cutting and welding in the existing oil pipeline 56 ' (1067 mm).Coordination and supervision of shore crossing construction activities performed by the selected contractors (pipe laying, commissioning etc.). Involved in the Construction and installation of 6x100000 m3 new oil reservoirs and pipelines, supports the construction activities, reviews the work execution plans, supervises contractors construction and assembly works, monitors the progress of construction works through the daily/weekly review meetings, monitors the fulfillment of contractors’ contractual obligations in relation to both the scope of work and the schedule of works. Supervises the mobilization/demobilization activities. Issues daily/weekly construction reports to the Company’s management. Ensures daily compliance with operations and project permit to work system. Reviews contractor’s Job Safety Analysis. Attends safety toolbox meetings as an observer, contributing leadership as required to promote project IIF culture. Be familiar with and ensure conformance with project written policies, plans and procedures. Ensure safety of contractor’s work activities with regard to workers, and avoiding impacts to project progress, completed works and existing operating facilities. Communicates openly with operations personnel on a routine, consistent basis to provide the most current, accurate information regarding project status, problems encountered, and what’s being done to address them. Solicits input from appropriate “subject matter experts”as necessary. Coordinates or helps to develop SIMOPs and shutdown work with workgroup to ensure proper pre-planning and implementation adherence between project Engineering, operations and maintenance groups before hook up and commissioning starts. Checking the safety and readiness of the equipment prior to commissioning and startup. Carrying out safety checks, the performance of assigned tasks compliance with established standard. To Provide with safety of the contractor in respect of employees, to avoid negative impact on the progress of the project, the work performed and the operation of existing facilities. Participation in meetings opens to any operational staff on a regular and consistent basis. Work to achieve the resolution of conflicts between project and operational teams. Direct work with engineers to develop a rapid contribution to the evaluation of alternatives, philosophy, and design specifications. Assistance in determining the actual faulty equipment’s. Assessment new methods of technical maintain their suitability for use. Work on standardization of equipment, spare parts, consumables, training, and to minimize operating costs. Providing support for the project in matters relating to maintenance, material handling and ergonomics. Provide review of operating procedures and technical documents in a timely manner. Coordination, quality assurance testing and documentation. Organization entering the required information in the systems and subsystems for use in the operation and start the sequence. Participation in the development of commissioning, startup, normal workflow and closing procedures for all assigned facilities. Introduction to the case of new operators to provide assistance in setting up and running. Provide the necessary information for the subsystem transfer (from commissioning to commissioning), a joint walkthrough.
Сентябрь 2010Февраль 2012
1 год 6 месяцев
CPC-R / Caspian Pipeline Concorcium-R/ MARINE TERMINAL


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Civil Defense, Emergency Response, Oil Spill Response and Fire Safety Engineer
Civil Defense, Emergency Response, Oil Spill Response and Fire Safety engineer is an authorized employee of the Operations Department Responsible for the whole scope of work in the area of CD ER & OSR on MT and fire safety on MT off-shore objects. Control preparation and performance of loading operations with tankers handled at Marine Terminal. Control preparation and performance of MT auxiliary craft bunkering. Supervise emergency and oil spill response readiness of the contractor emergency and rescue units. Take part in formation of MT budget items related to MT CD ER OSR & off-shore FS. Conduct random safety knowledge assessment; ensure all Contractors’ personnel has got sufficient knowledge to perform assigned tasks safely and conduct audits of competency passport requirements. Report near misses and potentially dangerous working conditions as well as breaches of safety regulations at MT facilities. Conduct internal audits of the HSE Management System as per ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 international standards requirements and annual work plans. Control the implementation of CPC industrial safety action plans and assist with their coordination of Contractors plans auditing to establish requirements are met. Ensure Process Environmental Control is carried out to manage sources of environmental impact, during the Expansion Project, including emergency situations. Audit the activities of PEC Contractors. Assure the industrial control for the production and household wastes management at construction sites. Arrange for and participate in occupational safety activities at construction sites and in camps. Keep records of occupational incidents and injuries at construction sites and provide advice on categorization of injuries. Arrange and participate in investigation of injuries and their root causes together with Contractor, and develop injury prevention plans. Check whether Contractor’s personnel are equipped with hand tools, PPE, special outfit and footwear specific to the hazards present. Control the implementation of occupational safety action plans at Expansion Project facilities.
Февраль 2009Сентябрь 2010
1 год 8 месяцев
GSP DRILLING COMPANY, Construction of gas compressions stations, drilling and construction onshore/offshore gas pipes for the Sochi Olympic games.


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HSE supervisor
Provide support to Project and Operation team in all aspects of safety, occupational health, safety and environmental issues. Attend TBT meeting, planning and client meetings as required on HSE related matters. Assist with developing HSE plans that comply with Company policies and procedures as well as client requirements. Ensure training, tool box meetings, and drills are implemented as part of the company’s offshore / onshore training and HSE program. Investigate and complete the process for close out of all Accident Investigation Conduct Training and drills to Maintain Emergency Preparedness. Manage Safety Statistic reporting. Performing Risk Assessment for the jobs at task. Reporting daily HSE reports, Monthly statistical HSE report, Event reports, HSE Observation cards register, Lifting gear register, Drill reports, LSA and FFA register Performing Task Risk Assessment (TRA), Tool Box Talks Meetings (TBT), Weekly Safety Meetings and Offshore Safety inductions on Board. Internal audits in compliance with ISO 9001/14001/OHSAS 18001.Provide support to the HSEQ Department on the implementation of Company-wide integrated management system - ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISM Code, MODU Spec Manage Safety Statistic reporting. Conduct HSE trainings and orientation to all new employees. Ensure all worksites are HSE compliant with Company policies and safety standards. Performing HAZID/HAZOP and Risk Assessment for the jobs at task. Safe transportation of gas pipes and storage sites prior to loading at the port of the vessel. Stock-taking of certificates offshore pipeline design codes, certification (DNV) and all packages of documents on pipes. Verification of numbers of pipes carried onboard of the vessels. Documentation translation from English, coordination transportation of the pipes.
Декабрь 2005Февраль 2009
3 года 3 месяца
(Brostrom, Novoship,Interorient) Oil/Chemical tanker fleet offshore differents projects transported worldwide.

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Chief Officer (Safety Engineer)
I began my work on oil/chemical tanker fleet from Safety officer to Chief Officer in the different foreign company carried oil, gas oil and gasoline. Prior to commencement of any cargo oil operation the Chief Officer shall prepare a detailed plan & the same to be approved by Master. The Chief Officer shall conduct “Pre cargo operation safety meeting” with all concerned. Communication between the cargo control room, pump room and on-deck. Monitoring requirements for the Maximum Allowable Loading Rates, topping off rates / Discharging Rates (grade-wise) Monitoring and maintaining the maximum allowable manifold pressure during discharge operations. Special conditions at the loading/discharging terminal (eg moorings, draft and trim limits, monitoring manifold movement restrictions including height limitations, river and tidal currents, etc. Preparation Procedures for emergency situations and communication. Participate in Safety Meetings, risk assessment. Issuance of tolerances to work at height, hot works, hazardous works. Check a condition of fire- prevention safety of the vessel and observance by crew of fire prevention rules. Every day checks stationary and portable fire extinguishing means. Conducts the schedule of fire watches. Spends instructing, employment and trainings (educational alarms) with crew on fire-prevention preventive maintenance and practice of suppression of fires; directly supervises over emergency parties. Watches a condition of the fire-prevention equipment, in due time takes measures to its repair and replenishment to the established norms. Preparing Fire plans, Emergency plans, Stowage plans. Check a condition of fire- prevention safety of the vessel and observance by crew of fire prevention rules. Every day checks stationary and portable fire extinguishing means. Conducts the schedule of fire watches. Spends instructing, employment and trainings (educational alarms) with crew on fire-prevention preventive maintenance and practice of suppression of fires; directly supervises over emergency parties. Watches a condition of the fire-prevention equipment, in due time takes measures to its repair and replenishment to the established norms. Safety officers inspect interior and exterior work areas to determine if there are any safety hazards. During these inspections, a safety officer looks for broken equipment and damaged equipment, slip-and-fall hazards and other potential hazards. The officer also observes workers to ensure that they are wearing required personal protective equipment and following company safety policies. In the construction industry, safety officers check the stability of scaffolding, ensure that workers use hard hats and protective footwear, and check to make sure employees operate construction equipment in a safe manner. The Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe situations and developing measures to assure personnel safety. The Safety Officer will correct unsafe acts or conditions through the regular line of authority, although the Safety Officer may exercise emergency authority to prevent or stop unsafe acts when immediate action is required. The Safety Officer maintains awareness of active and developing situations. The Safety Officer ensures the Site Safety and Health Plan is prepared and implemented. The Safety Officer ensures there are safety messages in each Incident Action Plan.


Уровни владения навыками
Health & Safety
Oil And Gas

Обо мне

I have over 15 years of experience in the field of HSE and QC gained working on various CPC- R, GSP and Chevron operated projects implemented in Russia. I am quite familiar with the international standards in the related fields and capable of building a sound QHSE Management System from design to planning and implementation. I have equal level of technical and managerial skills which helps managing both process and people. • experience in the field of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection; • experience in the field of protection against oil spills, fire safety, and civil defense; • experience onshore construction management in the field of safety work at height, construction of reservoirs and underwater pipelines; • experience with cutting and welding in the existing oil pipeline 56 ' (1067 mm); • experience in the field of loading and unloading operation on the Oil/chemical tanker; • supervision In the field of safety operation, conducting safety drills and safety training of personnel; • Experience works at Shallow water pipelines engineering and construction • Knowledge Offshore pipeline design codes and certification (DNV specifically) • Knowledge of local (Russian) laws and construction standards • Knowledge of all process Hydrotesting, pigging, commissioning • Experience with shore crossings construction (trenchless, microtunnelling) • Leading of working teams up 60 rescuers


Высшее образование

Novorossiysk State Marine Academy name of Ushakova
Economica&Management/Engineer Economist, High/Bachelor
Novorossiysk State Marine Academy name of Ushakova
Navigation / Safety Engineer, High/Bachelor

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ИспанскийA1 — Начальный

Повышение квалификации, курсы

BSI OHSAS 18001:2007 (Module1,Module2,Modul3)
BSI, Лидер в проведении внутренних и внешних аудитов
rrc, HSE
The Oil Pollution Preparadness Response and Co-operation Level -1
FOST (Fast oil spill team), Oil pollution preparadness response specialist
Fire Fighting Advanced (Nogepa 2.6 a)
DHTC Den Helder Holland, Fire Fighting Supervisor
Internal audit ISO 14001&OHSAS 18001
Civil Defency and Industrial Safety
U.S. Coast Guard Regulations
Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
Emergency procedures
Drills and demonstration
Personal safety and social responsibilities
Medical first aid and medical care
Advanced fire-fighting
Fire-fighting and fire prevention

Тесты, экзамены


Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Аргентина, Россия

Разрешение на работу: Аргентина, Бразилия, Венесуэла, Россия, Уругвай, Эквадор

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения